Fwd: USENIX Configuration Management Summit Call for Participation - Mailing list pgsql-advocacy

From Josh Berkus
Subject Fwd: USENIX Configuration Management Summit Call for Participation
Msg-id 4FA96321.7040608@agliodbs.com
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List pgsql-advocacy

I can't make it to this, but is seems appropriate for some PostgreSQL
DBAs.  Submit a talk!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: USENIX Configuration Management Summit Call for Participation
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 12:29:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Daniel Klein <daniel.klein@usenix.org>
Reply-To: ucms12chairusenix.org <ucms12chair@usenix.org>
To: Josh Berkus <josh@postgresql.org>

Dear Josh,

Join us in Boston, MA, on Tuesday, June 12, 2012, for the 2012 USENIX
Configuration Management Summit--and help build the program!

The theme for the 2012 summit is "Virtualization, the Cloud, and Scale."
As organizations and their need for computing resources grow, few can
deny the need for configuration management systems as an essential
component of any IT infrastructure. However, with the advent of
wide-area, distributed, and/or third-party virtualization of systems
(aka "the cloud"), distributed configuration management systems are
being taxed as the volume of machines and services being managed and
monitored grows beyond the initial design considerations of the tools
supporting them. The problem space is muddied with the need to manage
both the virtualization environment and the machines being virtualized.
Compounding the problem is the perceived homogeneity of systems
contrasted with their real-life heterogeneity.

This summit will bring together users and developers for a discussion of
features, futures, plans, requirements, and needs. Although we will make
time for presentations from developers, this workshop is designed to
assist developers and users to understand each others' needs and enable
the creation of the next-generation tools and configuration

Please Help Build the Program!

Since this will be a user-driven workshop, attendees are encouraged to
submit proposals for discussion topics (either sharing experiences or
requesting clarification), as well as feature requests and problem
areas. Please submit a very brief proposal, one or two paragraphs at
most, outlining your discussion topic or question to
ucms12chair@usenix.org  by Monday, May 14, 2012. Feel free to suggest
possible speakers as well.

Topics may include (but are not limited to):

Issues of scale
-- Maintaining a large (cloud-scale) collection of virtual and real
-- Tracking, logging, and consolidation of information
-- Configuration footprint (the load that the configuration system place
on network, disk, CPU, etc.)

-- Management of the virtualization infrastructure
-- Management of the virtual machines

Migration issues
-- Moving services from real hardware into the cloud
-- Backup, redundancy, upgrades, and failover

Please send your thoughts to  ucms12chair@usenix.org  by Monday, May 14,
2012, 5:00 p.m.,PDT.

Find out more at

We look forward to your submissions.

Daniel V. Klein, USENIX and Google
UCMS '12 Summit Chair

2012 USENIX Configuration Management Summit (UCMS '12)
June 12, 2012
Boston, MA
Part of USENIX Federated Conferences Week

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members or conference attendees.

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