I don't see anything to that effect in the release notes I've looked at.
I built 9.1.2 from source with these options.
CONFIGURE = '--with-libraries=/lib:/lib64:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'
'--with-python' '--with-openssl' '--with-ossp-uuid' '--with-libxml'
\df xpath*
List of functions
| Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types |
Type |
| pg_catalog | xpath | xml[] | text, xml |
normal |
| pg_catalog | xpath | xml[] | text, xml, text[] |
normal |
| pg_catalog | xpath_exists | boolean | text, xml |
normal |
| pg_catalog | xpath_exists | boolean | text, xml, text[] |
normal |
| public | xpath_list | text | text, text |
normal |
| public | xpath_nodeset | text | text, text |
normal |
| public | xpath_nodeset | text | text, text, text |
normal |
(7 rows)
There is no xml-specific extension in /usr/local/pgsql/share/extensions.
That dir. has the python and uuid stuff.