On 02/20/2012 07:30 AM, Itagaki Takahiro wrote:
> If we pass an ARRAY of json type to array_to_json() function, the
> function seems to
> re-encode the JSON text. But should the following examples be the same result?
> I'm not sure why we don't have a special case for json type in datum_to_json()
> -- do we need to pass-through json types in it?
> =# \x
> =# SELECT '["A"]'::json,
> array_to_json(ARRAY['A']),
> array_to_json(ARRAY['"A"'::json]);
> -[ RECORD 1 ]-+----------
> json | ["A"]
> array_to_json | ["A"]
> array_to_json | ["\"A\""]
Hmm, maybe. The trouble is that datum_to_json doesn't know what type
it's getting, only the type category. We could probably fudge it by
faking a false one for JSON, say with a lower case 'j', which should be
fairly future-proof, where the category is detected - for efficiency
reasons we do this for the whole array rather than for each element of
the array.
There's another case I have on my list to fix too - some numeric output
such as "NaN" and "Infinity" are not legal JSON numeric values, and need
to be quoted in order to avoid generating illegal JSON.