On 02/19/2012 12:05 AM, Susanne Ebrecht wrote:
> Am 17.02.2012 17:24, schrieb Alban Hertroys:
>> On 17 February 2012 17:19, Scott Marlowe
>>> Have you tried casting to varchar(1000) or something like that?
>> Don't MySQL's varchars only go to 255? That's why every MySQL database
>> uses blobs for text data, isn't it?
> Yes.
Slightly off-topic but MySQL actually changed that behaviour in bugfix
release 5.0.3 according to their manual. I was surprised myself when a
colleague of mine used varchar(500) last week. Their upper limit is now
at 2^16-1 = 65535 bytes. I don't have a much advanced knowledge in DB
matters yet, but I usually decided for TEXT or MEDIUMTEXT types in MySQL
when I had to store longer text content, IMHO there's no need using
blobs for texts unless you want to keep admin frontends from displaying
the contents right away.