On 01/10/2012 12:34 PM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
>> Actually, now I look closer I see that PLPerl passes back a stringified
>> status from SPI_execute(), so there is no great need for setting up these
>> constants. It's probably water under the bridge now, but maybe PLPython
>> should have done this too.
> This is not documented well - I see nothing about result value in doc.
> Does it raise exception when SPI returns some bad result value?
The docs state:
You can then access the command status (e.g., SPI_OK_INSERT) like this:
$res = $rv->{status};
And it works like this:
andrew=# do 'my $rv = spi_exec_query("select 1 as a"); elog(NOTICE,$rv->{status});' language plperl; NOTICE:
SPI_OK_SELECT CONTEXT: PL/Perl anonymous code block DO andrew=#
An error causes the function to end, so it never sees the error status:
andrew=# do 'my $rv = spi_exec_query("select blurfl"); elog(NOTICE,$rv->{status});' language plperl; ERROR:
column"blurfl" does not exist at line 1. CONTEXT: PL/Perl anonymous code block andrew=#
If you think more documentation is needed, submit a patch.