On 19-12-2011 12:30, Sushant Sinha wrote:
> I recently upgraded my postgres server from 9.0 to 9.1.2 and I am
> finding a peculiar problem.I have a program that periodically adds rows
> to this table using INSERT. Typically the number of rows is just 1-2
> thousand when the table already has 500K rows. Whenever the program is
> adding rows, the performance of the search query on the same table is
> very bad. The query uses the gin index and the tsearch ranking function
> ts_rank_cd.
How bad is bad? It seems you are suffering from don't-fit-on-cache problem, no?
> This never happened earlier with postgres 9.0 Is there a known issue
> with Postgres 9.1? Or how to report this problem?
Test case? Query times? Query plans? Are you sure you the compile options are
the same? What about the configuration parameters? What is the exact version
of both installations?
-- Euler Taveira de Oliveira - Timbira http://www.timbira.com.br/ PostgreSQL: Consultoria, Desenvolvimento,
Suporte24x7 e Treinamento