Hi Stephen,
On 08/30/2011 07:11 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Joe Abbate (jma@freedomcircle.com) wrote:
>> In order to compare the schema of two presumably identical
>> databases, I've been diffing the output of pg_dump -Osx.
> I'm not sure exactly how it does it, but check_postgres.pl offers this.
> http://bucardo.org/wiki/Check_postgres
> It also offers a whole slew of other useful things to monitor.
Note that what I'm looking for is something to compare just about
EVERYTHING DDL under the PostgreSQL sun: tables, types, functions,
operators, etc. The description of same_schema appears to imply only a
subset of objects are compared (in fact, looking at the code, I can
confirm that limitation).
BTW, I tried installing check_postgres, but not being much into Perl and
not knowing what dependencies it has, "make test" failed 38/42 tests.