<br /><blockquote cite="mid:CAP=oouE75E_6fc7oA87tdqp_jyCeAfjaQEy+hM=MJ8EwfPdVdQ@mail.gmail.com" type="cite"><pre
wrap="">Yes,a few hundred MB of swap, and its definitely making a huge
difference. Upon restarting postgres, its all freed up, and then perf
is good again. Also, this box only has 1GB of swap total, so its
never going to get up a few dozen GB.
Anyway, here's some of top output for systemA right now:</pre></blockquote> Instead of restarting the database try
swapoff-a && swapon -a and see if that helps performance. If it is that little swap in use, it might be
somethingelse clogging up the works.<br /><br /> Sim<br />