On 07/27/2011 02:05 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Excerpts from Petro Meier's message of mié jul 27 02:51:22 -0400 2011:
>> If I use PQescapeByteaConn() for a conenction to a PG9.1 Beta3 server,
>> this function returns (e.g.) "\xea2abd8ef31...(and so on.)...".
>> Here the problem: there should be a second backslash in the prefix.
>> The SQL Statement which uses this string (INSERT statement in my case)
>> returns with an error ("Invalid byte sequence..."). If I add the second
>> backslash manually everything works fine.
> You're just being bitten by the fact that the
> standard_conforming_strings setting changed its default from false to
> true. If you want the old behavior, you can just flip the switch, but
> the recommended action is to change your expectations. You can use E''
> if you want backslashes to continue working without changing the switch.
Or even better don't interpolate it into SQL at all, but use a statement