A lot of applications don't actually have a database role per user.
There is an application user who logs into the database and the
application handles application logins through a users table in the
database. That way the only thing that the user has access to is the
application and not the database.
If you access the database through an application server, or server side
script, you can limit access to only that (and other specific) IP
addresses in the pg_hba.conf.
On 07/25/2011 02:56 PM, Mario Puntin wrote:
> Thanks a lot to everybody for the replies.
> Kurt: by the term "client" I meant an application, like psql, from
> which users could connect to the database, as they have a
> user/password, and manipulate data. I want them to access from
> certain, specific application, but I don't want them to install psql,
> for example, and have also access through it.
> I liked Chris Carver idea of modifing user/password: quite simple and
> efective.
> But thank you all people, you gave me some fine ideas.
> Best regards,
> Mario