Re: pg_advisory_locks in a multithreaded application context - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Vincent Ficet
Subject Re: pg_advisory_locks in a multithreaded application context
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: pg_advisory_locks in a multithreaded application context  (Merlin Moncure <>)
Responses Re: pg_advisory_locks in a multithreaded application context
List pgsql-novice
Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 3:30 AM, Vincent Ficet
> <> wrote:
>> Merlin Moncure wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Vincent Ficet
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm having some trouble trying to use postgresql locks. After trying
>>>> several options and reading the postgresql online documentation, I still
>>>> can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Here's the use case:
>>>> A multithreaded application collecting adapter firmwares on a network
>>>> loads data into the following table:
>>>> CREATE TABLE firmware (
>>>>    id SERIAL NOT NULL,
>>>>    type CHARACTER VARYING(32),
>>>>    version CHARACTER VARYING(30),
>>>>    build_id INTEGER,
>>>>    date CHARACTER VARYING(25),
>>>>    ps_id CHARACTER VARYING(25)
>>>> );
>>>> Typically, there are a few hundred adapters, but only 5 firmwares (many
>>>> adapters should have the same firmware if the sysadmins did their jobs
>>>> properly ;-) ).
>>>> Only a single entry is required per firmware (many separate adapters can
>>>> share the same firmware by pointing to the appropriate firmware id field).
>>>> To make sure that only one entry is created per firmware, I use the
>>>> following trigger:
>>>> CREATE TRIGGER firmware_pre_insert_trigger
>>>>    BEFORE INSERT ON firmware
>>>>    FOR EACH ROW
>>>>    EXECUTE PROCEDURE firmware_pre_insert_trigger_cb();
>>>> CREATE FUNCTION firmware_pre_insert_trigger_cb() RETURNS TRIGGER
>>>>    AS $_$
>>>>    fw_id INT;
>>>> BEGIN
>>>> SELECT FROM firmware fw INTO fw_id
>>>> WHERE (fw.type = new.type AND
>>>>       fw.version = new.version AND
>>>>       fw.build_id = new.build_id AND
>>>> = AND
>>>>       fw.ps_id = new.ps_id);
>>>> IF fw_id IS NULL THEN
>>>>   -- create the non-existing firmware
>>>>   RETURN new;
>>>> ELSE
>>>>   -- skip firmware which already exists
>>>> END IF;
>>>> END;
>>>> $_$
>>>> When a thread wishes to add a firmware after discovering one adapter, it
>>>> executes the following code:
>>>> PERFORM pg_advisory_lock(1);
>>>> INSERT INTO firmware (type, version, build_id, date, ps_id)
>>>> VALUES (chip_type, firm_version, firm_build_id, firm_date, firm_ps_id);
>>>> PERFORM pg_advisory_unlock(1);
>>> Advisory lock is not going to work here.  You are releasing the lock
>>> before the transaction resolves and that leaves a window for  second
>>> transaction to do the 'select' and not see the data because it hasn't
>>> committed yet.
>>>> Unfortunately, I still get duplicated entries using advisory locks, and
>>>> they don't seem to lock anything at all...
>>>> On the other hand, If I use builtin locks as follows without the
>>>> trigger, I get deadlocks in the server logs:
>>> well a sharelock certainly isn't going to work.  share blocks row
>>> exclusive (see,
>>> so two transactions can simultaneously get a share lock and wait for
>>> each other to to resolve to get the exclusive lock on a row.
>>> 'EXCLUSIVE' would be better (although that would effectively serialize
>>> the transactions).
>> Thanks for the tip.
>> It now works fine using a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock in the PRE INSERT
>> trigger. This does not conflict with the  ROW EXCLUSIVE lock which is
>> implicitely taken by the INSERT statement in add_firmware() function.
>> BTW I think there might be a thread safety issue in postgres, as I often
>> get a segfault when deadlocks occur (prior to applying the fix I just
>> described). For example, the following deadlock situation:
>>    DETAIL:  Process 7643 waits for RowExclusiveLock on relation 21060
>> of database 20535; blocked by process 7593.
>>            Process 7593 waits for RowExclusiveLock on relation 21060 of
>> database 20535; blocked by process 7643.
>>            Process 7643: SELECT
>> add_firmware('0x08003800013731aa','hca','512.1792.0',0,'0920-10-06','BL_0010030001000');
>>            Process 7593: SELECT
>> add_firmware('0x08003800013734b0','hca','512.1792.0',0,'0920-10-06','BL_0010030001000');
>>    HINT:  See server log for query details.
>>    QUERY:  INSERT INTO firmware (type, version, build_id, date, ps_id)
>>               VALUES (chip_type, firm_version, firm_build_id,
>> firm_date, firm_ps_id)
>>    CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "add_firmware" line 31 at SQL statement
>> Triggers:
>> #0  0x0000003c46725742 in __strncpy_ssse3 () from /lib64/
>> #1  0x00007ffff5f1617f in pqParseInput3 (conn=0x7ffff0000da0) at
>> fe-protocol3.c:209
>> #2  0x00007ffff5f0cae7 in parseInput (conn=0x7ffff0000da0) at fe-exec.c:1493
>> #3  0x00007ffff5f0cc01 in PQgetResult (conn=0x7ffff0000da0) at
>> fe-exec.c:1568
>> #4  0x00007ffff5f0d26b in PQexecFinish (conn=0x7ffff0000da0) at
>> fe-exec.c:1807
>> #5  0x00007ffff5f0cee4 in PQexec (conn=0x7ffff0000da0,
>> query=0x7ffff612d340 "SELECT 1") at fe-exec.c:1648
>> #6  0x00007ffff612c344 in dbd_ping () from
>> /home/vficet/X86_64/usr/lib/dbd/
>> Stack traces often occur in different flavours, but can always be
>> correlated with messages such as:
>> DBI error -9: unexpected field count in "D" message
>> DBI error -9: message contents do not agree with length in message type
>> "T" server sent data ("D" message) without prior row description ("T"
>> message)
>> I'll try to set up a minimalist reproducer and see what can be done for
>> that.
>> Note that this happens with both postgresql 8.4.7 and 9.0.4.
> is the segfault happening in the client?
Yes, it's on the client side.
> it looks like you have a
> thread safety issue either in dbd or in your code...
OK, I'll try to set up a minimalist reproducer. Is there a postgresql
non regression test to check for thread safety on the client side ? What
do the postgresql developpers use for that ?


> merlin

pgsql-novice by date:

From: Merlin Moncure
Subject: Re: pg_advisory_locks in a multithreaded application context
From: "Jean-Yves F. Barbier"
Subject: Re: Locking out a user after several failed login attempts