On 16/06/2011 6:38 PM, Dave Page wrote:
>> To download 8.4.2-2 at all I had to go to download the latest EDB release,
>> note the URL and play substitution games. Maybe I just didn't find the "old
>> versions" link that'll turn out to be lurking somewhere.
> I'm not sure I understand the problem. We ship the symbols in the
> package, so why did you have to go looking for an old version to debug
> an issue?
Because I was debugging a dump. I didn't have that version installed on
my machine.
I could've just got them to send a zipped copy of their symbols
directory, too.
It turns out that it doesn't matter whether individual releases can be
perfectly identified; the symbol server indexer takes care of that. I'll
just collect symbols from each release and pop them in my symbol cache
so I don't have to worry in future.
Publishing a complete symbol cache via a symbol server would be pretty
handy, though. If needs be it's something I'll do, it'll just be harder
for me to keep it up to date and not miss any releases.
Craig Ringer
Tech-related writing at http://soapyfrogs.blogspot.com/