On 1/29/2011 12:59 AM, Leon Starr wrote:
> I am deep into debugging some pretty extensive plpgsql and it would be nice sometimes if I could somehow output the
contentof a table to the psql console at a particular point in a function.
> For example, I am executing a select that is not returning the expected row. So I am wondering, what exactly was in
thetable at the time the query was performed.
> Of course, I could just write a loop prior to my query with a bunch of raise notice statements, but I'll get a stack
tracefor each one. So that won't be pretty.
> Suggestions? Thx.
Raise notice is PLPGSQL equivalent of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE.
Mladen Gogala
Sr. Oracle DBA
1500 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
(212) 329-5251