>>> If you want that level of isolation, you have to give each user his own
>>> cluster.
>> as postgresql is currently structured, yes, and further, each cluster
>> needs its own listener port which is, IMHO, rather ugly.
> The amount of work needed to get rid of that small bit of ugliness seems
> far out of proportion to the value.
With the current architecture, you would need to develop service
management that could potentially handle 100s of clusters, in a shared
web host sort of environment. I sure wouldn't want to have to manage
100s of sysV /etc/rc3.d kinda services to launch all these postmasters,
ugh. As I'm envisioning it, the user management would be in the master
cluster, child cluster/instances would not have their own users.
yeah, I suppose this is pointless. ah well, after a couple beers last
night, it seemed like a fantastic idea :D