On 21/10/10 20:48, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Excerpts from Alvaro Herrera's message of jue oct 21 15:32:53 -0300 2010:
>> Excerpts from Jean-Baptiste Quenot's message of jue oct 21 09:20:16 -0300 2010:
>>> I get this error when calling the function:
>>> test=# select foobar();
>>> ERROR: error fetching next item from iterator
> I think all error cases in plpython need some improvement so that they
> show the error message from Python. Right now they are ignored.
> ... and presumably somebody can fix the real bug that Jean-Baptiste hit,
> too.
AFAICS the error comes from PLy_function_handler disconnecting from SPI
after calling into the Python code and then going ahead and reading the
result from the iterator. The problem is that after calling PyIter_Next
to resume the iterator and fetch the next value, it tries to do
plpy.execute("select 1"), which fails because SPI is already
disconnected. This probably means that a SRF should not disconnect from
SPI until it has finished reading the result.
The error handling in plpython is well-known to be a mess, hence the
confusing error message that OP got. Another annoying thing is that SPI
calls are not done in a subtransaction, which means you can't trap
errors with a try/catch Python construct. I'm currently trying to get
try/catch to work and might end up cleaning up error handling as well...
but this can take me some time, so maybe someone should plug this
particular hole right away.