Re: make view with union return one record - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Andy Colson
Subject Re: make view with union return one record
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: make view with union return one record  (Merlin Moncure <>)
List pgsql-general
On 7/7/2010 8:27 AM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Andy Colson<>  wrote:
>> I have gis data in layers, and a pin might appear in either layer, or both
>> (parcelPoly, parcelPoint), or neither (and I dont care which I find)... so I
>> have this view:
>> create view howardia.getPoint(shapeid, x, y, acres, pin, extent) as
>>   SELECT gid,
>>         st_x(st_centroid(the_geom)) AS x,
>>         st_y(st_centroid(the_geom)) AS y,
>>         acreage,
>>         county_pin,
>>         st_box2d(st_expand(the_geom, 100))
>>   FROM howardia.parcelPoly
>>   SELECT gid,
>>         st_x(the_geom) AS x,
>>         st_y(the_geom) AS y,
>>         acreage,
>>         county_pin,
>>         st_box2d(st_expand(the_geom, 100))
>>   FROM howardia.parcelPoint;
>> Which works fine for what I'm using.. it returns one or two records, and my
>> code just takes the first record and runs with it.
>> but now... I'm adding something new, and having it return multiple records
>> per pin is causing problems.  I tried adding a limit inside the view but
>> then it never returns anything:
> ??? why not --  can you double check that?
> create view l as select * from (select 'a' union all select 'b') q limit 1;
> select * from l;
>   ?column?
> ----------
>   a
> (1 row)
> merlin

Humm.. yea, had to look at that a little closer... but no, it does not
work when you put a where clause on it:

gis=# create view l as select * from (select 'a' as cname union all
select 'b') q limit 1;

-- This works as you noted:
gis=# select * from l ;
(1 row)

-- And as long as you only ever want the first row, it works too:
gis=# select * from l where cname = 'a';
(1 row)

-- But this is more akin to what I'm doing:
gis=# select * from l where cname = 'b';
(0 rows)

In my example, if I put the limit on the view, then I can:

gis=# select x,y,pin from getpoint;
         x         |        y         |       pin
  5185561.61663698 | 3906727.90184405 | 190161634020000
(1 row)

So the entire view is now just one record.

I'm guessing the limit and the where are being applied in the wrong
order.  (Correction, not the wrong order, rather not the order I want)

Hum... I wonder if I subselect the table enough times if I can swap the
where and the limit...  I'll have to play around with that.


pgsql-general by date:

From: Matthew Wilson
Subject: Want to schedule tasks for the future
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