Hi all,
I have a question on parsing an "interval" binary form.
I'm working on ECPG/SQLDA things, and being stuck in front of
retreiving "interval" values.
Through SQLDA, "interval" values are returned in the 12 bytes binary form,
so I have to parse it to use the interval values in the host program.
interval form: '10 years 5 hours 10 minutes 1 second'::interval
binary form: 40 bc b4 54 04 00 00 00 78 00 00 00
However, I don't have an appropriate way to parse and convert it
into host variable structures, like "time_t", "struct tm" or else.
Do you have any good way or good routine to parse the PostgreSQL
"interval" binary form for the host (C language) program?
NAGAYASU Satoshi <satoshi.nagayasu@gmail.com>