If I create a new table the "Access privileges" are blank, which gives
implicit access to the table owner.
But if I touch the grants, then revoke, the privileges are set to {}
which is not the same thing:
production=> create table zzz_junk1 ();
production=> \z zzz_junk1Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges
--------+-----------+-------+-------------------public | zzz_junk1 | table |
production=> grant all on zzz_junk1 to production;
production=> \z zzz_junk1 Access privileges for database "production"Schema | Name | Type | Access
--------+-----------+-------+--------------------------------public | zzz_junk1 | table |
production=> revoke all on zzz_junk1 from production;
production=> \z zzz_junk1 Access privileges for database "production"Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges
--------+-----------+-------+-------------------public | zzz_junk1 | table | {}
How can I return to the initial state, where the "Access privileges" are
I'm using Postgres 8.3 here.
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/sql-grant.html does not seem
to cover this topic.