Wang, Mary Y wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using a psql -f command to reload the data from a dump file. I noticed that some tables are not populated with
anyrows (I mean 0 rows), yet, if I manually insert a row (actually just copy an INSERT statement from that input file)
inthe interactive terminal, that row was added with no problem. So my question "does psql -f quits inserting rows for
atable when it detects there is an error in a statement?". The impression that I got is that even though other rows
mightnot have any errors, but psql -f seems just quits after it detects an error in a row.
> Am I missing something here?
if the inserts are in a transaction (eg, after a BEGIN), any error will
cause the entire transaction to rollback and the rest of the transaction
to be 'flushed' until a ROLLBACK or COMMIT statement ends the
transaction block.