Florian Pflug wrote:
> On May 12, 2010, at 21:52 , Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>> David Christensen wrote:
>>> Is there anything to do about the missing tags in git? I've wished for those to be available as well.
>> Sure, fix fromcvs to emit them. How is your ruby?
> Where does one find the version of fromcvs used to feed git.postgresql.org? I might give it a shot.
> I can't promise anything, though - my ruby-fu is OK, but my cvs-fu is badly lacking...
Fix the tip version. You'll need fromcvs and rcsparse from
<http://ww2.fs.ei.tum.de/~corecode/hg>. We already know that the version
used on the community repo is broken. The version I am using on my
github mirror is holding up OK. There is a recipe for setting up a
mirror on my blog:
Of course, we might also find some other brokenness if we try to import
all the tags. Also, be aware of this (from
Differences between CVS and git branch/tag models: CVS allows a branch or tag to be created from arbitrary
combinationsof source revisions from multiple source branches. It even allows file revisions that were never
contemporaneousto be added to a single branch/tag. Git, on the other hand, only allows the full source tree, as it
existedat some instant in the history, to be branched or tagged as a unit. Moreover, the ancestry of a git revision
makes implications about the contents of that revision. This difference means that it is fundamentally impossible to
representan arbitrary CVS history in a git repository 100% faithfully.