On 18/12/2009 11:34 AM, Pinto, Vincent wrote:
> <vpinto> Our application installation starts by the user double-clicking
> install.exe (It is simply a 320MB install.exe, which contains all the
> stuff; the db, the application files, the help files, etc).
Yes, but is the copy of PostgreSQL included as an embedded copy of the
one-click installer run via silent install, or is it just the PostgreSQL
program (etc) files that get installed directly by your own installer?
Look inside your installer package. Do you see a postgresql installer
exe? Or do you see "postgres.exe", "psql.exe", etc? If the latter, where
did they come from?
I'm beginning to wonder if somebody installed PostgreSQL from the
one-click installer, then just took a copy of C:\Program
Files\PostgreSQL and bundled it up in the installer.
> It then
> installs various application files, and somewhere in this flow, I
> suspect a scripted install happens of the postgres db.
You *suspect*?
Have a look at the sources for your installer, and find out. If you
can't, you need to get in touch with somebody who actually has control
over your installer package and get their help tracking down this issue
- you cannot usefully do it yourself if you do not know exactly how your
installer works.
> <vpinto> Yes it is. That is what is very confusing.
Are you _sure_ it's there at the time you first try to run PostgreSQL,
Is it possible ssleay32.dll is copied in there _after_ the attempt to
start PostgreSQL is made?
Craig Ringer