>> Done, IndexScan and IndexPath have separate field to store order clauses.
> Why? Isn't that redundant with the pathkey structures? We generate
> enough paths during a complex planning problem that I'm not in favor
> of adding unnecessary structures to them.
I found two ways to add support of knn-seaech to planner
- 0.4 version: add sorting clauses to restrictclauses in find_usable_indexes, and there is two issues: -
find_usable_indexescould not be used to find indexes for index and bitmap scans at once, because sorting clauses
willbe used in bitmap scan. Full scan of index with knn-ordering on large index is much more expensive. -
implied/refusedpredicate machinery is teached to ignore sorting clauses, but it's not so obvious: it should ignore
operationreturning non-boolean values
- 0.4.1 version: pull sort clauses separately and merge them with regular clauses at create_indexscan_plan function.
That'ssolves problems above
Do you suggest to construct that clauses from pathkey representation? And append constructed clauses to indexquals in
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teodor@sigaev.ru
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/