>> PostgreSQL 8.0.15.
>> Is there a way that I can easily alter column type from varchar(32) to
>> varchar(255) but do not have to worry about views dependent on it?
> You should test it carefully and it is considered a bad practice -
> I'll probably get sued for recommending this :-), but you may try:
> SELECT * from pg_attribute where attname = 'colname' and attrelid =
> (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname='_tablename');
> UPDATE pg_attribute set atttypmod = 4+_new_length_in_your_case_255
> where attrelid = _attrelid_from_above_ and attname = 'colname';
I am afraid that only admin can do this dictionary change :(
If it does work, would it cause any storage or efficiency problem? Or it
is just permission issues probably?
Thank you,
Lu Ying