Raji Sridar (raji) wrote:
> I don't mind going to 8.3 or later. I want to ensure that Postgres is
> tested on Windows 2008 and patches created like other platforms. How do
> I enable that?
postgres isn't 'patched', there are incremental releases, like 8.3.5,
8.3.6. within a given X,Y, you can install a newer version on top of
an older without any hiccups.
I know of no reasons why it, as a win32 service, wouldn't work on
Win2008 Server, except perhaps having to dink around a bit with
privileges to get the installer past the security stuff. that said,
I've never tried it on win2008 server, we're still using win2003 at work
(actually, mostly we use unix and linux).