Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Josh Berkus wrote:
>> Bruce,
>>>> Currently, catalog-pg-class is a bit confusing as to where FKs are
>>>> tracked in pg_class. Please update the lines for relchecks and
>>>> reltriggers to read:
>>>> relchecks int2 Number of check constraints on the table (but not
>>>> other types of constraints); see pg_constraint catalog
>>> Uh, why do we have to say "but" when we clearly say "check constraints"?
>>> Do we need to say "CHECK" contraints?
>> Because I've encountered two people on IRC (and a client) who were
>> confused about this, and it confused me briefly when I fielded their
>> questions. Saying "CHECK constraints" would also probably do it, or
>> saying "check constraints (only)"
> Uppercase done, with <literal> tag.
This is inconsistent with the rest of the documentation.