Gregory Stark wrote:
> I'm putting together a talk on "PostgreSQL Pet Peeves" for discussion at
> FOSDEM 2009 this year. I have a pretty good idea what some them are of course,
> but I would be interested to hear if people have any complaints from personal
> experience. What would be most interesting is if you can explain an example of
> when the problem caused real inconvenience to you, since sometimes it's hard
> to see from a theoretical description where the real harm lies.
> So, what do people say? Is Postgres perfect in your world or does it do some
> things which rub you the wrong way?
> Feel free to respond on-list or if you prefer in personal emails. I do intend
> to use the ideas you give in my presentation so mark anything you wouldn't be
> happy to see in a slide at a conference some day.
A few from the top of my head:
- COPY command does not support collation. It's such a pita to massage
huge files that have "," has a decimal separator.
- COPY command does not have a "DO NOT ABORT ON ERROR". I do not mean
constraint checking, I mean that the occasional backslash characters or
rows with a badly encoded characters should not abort the import process.
- No automatic CLUSTERing.
- EXPLAIN does not work with functions.
Luis Neves