Hello *
I try to convert a Database scheme from mySQL to pgSQL and have
problems with the line:
KEY post_date (post_date)
and later probably with the lines
UNIQUE KEY user (stat_login)
KEY forum_id (forum_id)
too. How to solv this prolem?
CREATE TABLE sqmf_forum (
forum_id serial NOT NULL,
forum_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
forum_description varchar(250) NOT NULL,
forum_visible integer NOT NULL default '0',
display_order integer NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY (forum_id)
CREATE TABLE sqmf_post (
post_id serial NOT NULL,
thread_id integer NOT NULL,
post_login varchar NOT NULL,
post_date timestamp NOT NULL,
post_content text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (post_id),
KEY post_date (post_date)
CREATE TABLE sqmf_stat (
stat_login varchar(70) NOT NULL,
stat_post integer default '1',
stat_thread integer default '1',
PRIMARY KEY (stat_login),
UNIQUE KEY user (stat_login)
CREATE TABLE sqmf_thread (
thread_id serial NOT NULL,
forum_id integer NOT NULL,
thread_login varchar(70) NOT NULL,
thread_date datetime NOT NULL,
thread_title varchar(200) NOT NULL,
thread_content longtext NOT NULL,
nb_view integer NOT NULL default '0',
nb_post integer NOT NULL default '1',
last_post_date datetime NOT NULL,
last_post_login varchar(70) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (thread_id),
KEY forum_id (forum_id)
Michelle Konzack