Kevin Grittner wrote:
>>>> "Joshua D. Drake" <> wrote:
>> It certainly makes more sense to do this:
> archive_mode = off
> archive_command = '/archive/command/used/during/snapshot/backups'
> I could live with diddling the command to control archiving.
> It doesn't log anything extra when archive_mode is on?
Depends on your logging level. I don't know that there is noticeable
difference between the two in terms of performance. That said, it is
still silly that we have to handle it in such a hacky way. Frankly, it
should be a catalog reloption of some sort... "ALTER CATALOG (which
doesn't exist) archive_mode TO off" but I digress.
> Why is it safer to change archive_command to a no-op on the fly than
> to turn off archive mode?
I think it is because one launches a process that controls another
process. Just like autovacuum or the logger. You can change what the
children processes do but not the parent.
Joshua D. Drake
> -Kevin