Richard Huxton wrote:
> Michael Toews wrote:
> You could accumulate the values in an array and then sort that with
> the final-func that create aggregate supports.
Thanks for the help. Here was my final functions to aggregate things
into a comma serpented text element (if anyone is interested):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION commacat_fn(anyarray) RETURNS text AS
$BODY$select array_to_string(sort($1),', ');$BODY$ LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE STRICT COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION commacat_fn(anyarray) OWNER TO postgres;
CREATE AGGREGATE commacat(anyelement) ( SFUNC=array_append, STYPE=anyarray, FINALFUNC=commacat_fn, INITCOND='{}'
Lastly a random quick example:
select attrelid, commacat(attname) as attnames from pg_attribute group
by attrelid order by attrelid;
Certainly there are far better examples that can be used to distill
information in a table to a comma-separated list.
In some specific applications, a "sort(myarraytype[])" function will
need to be created if the data type in the aggregate column does not
have a sort function (fortunately, most data types already have this
function defined).