A. Kretschmer wrote:
> am Thu, dem 24.07.2008, um 9:47:48 -0400 mailte Emi Lu folgendes:
>> I found a link for SQL Server, it applies to PostgreSQL 8.0.x as well?
>> http://vadivel.blogspot.com/2004/06/delete-vs-truncate-statement.html
> Not realy, for instance, pg can rollback a truncate, and a sequence are
> not reset.
Thank you. I am quite sure that I will not use "delete" now.
Now I a question about how efficient between
(1) truncate a big table (with 200, 000) vacuum it (optional?) drop primary key load new data load primary
ke vacuum it
(2) drop table (this table has no trigger, no foreign key) re-create table (without primary key) load new data
setupprimary key vacuum it
suggestions PLEASE?
Thanks a lot!