> Not that I disagree with your change, but < 5 Mbytes in 4 Gbytes of RAM
> for my main PostgreSQL system that I manage seems like a drop in the
> bucket. Even if 40% of pg_class_relname and pg_proc_proname indices was
> saved - we're talking about 154 Kbytes saved on both those indices
> combined. Minor? Major? I bet I wouldn't notice unless my database
> requirements used up all RAM, and even then I'm suspecting it wouldn't
> matter except for border line cases (like all pages required for
> everything else happened to equal 4 Gbytes near exactly).
Again, I think the best way to test this would be to create an
installation with more than 100,000 tables & views. That's not
hypothetical; I've encountered it already twice in production users.
--Josh Berkus