Since large objects use OIDs, does PG 8.3 have a limit of 4 billion
large objects across all of my various tables (actually, I presume OIDs
are used elsewhere besides just large objects)?
Is there any plan on allowing large objects to support more than 2GB?
As data gets larger and larger, I can see this being a problem if you'd
like the ACID properties of a DB to work with video and other large data
Since all large objects are stored in the pg_catalog.pg_largeobject
table, will running 'vacuum full' on it reduce the FSM issues I often
see with errors like:
WARNING: relation "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject" contains more than
"max_fsm_pages" pages with useful free space
HINT: Consider using VACUUM FULL on this relation or increasing the
configuration parameter "max_fsm_pages".
NOTICE: number of page slots needed (1045968) exceeds max_fsm_pages