I'm currently running:
PostgreSQL v8.3
JDBC4 v8.3-603
I'm wondering about the timeline or plans if any for JDBC driver support
of the recently added UUID datatype in PostgreSQL?
I haven't been able to check the JDBC v4 spec as the Sun server hosting
it was not available at the time I last checked, but I doubt that it is
part of the specification, as it is not in the JDBC v3 spec and it is
not mentioned in the differences between the two, so I assume any such
support would be as a custom datatype similar to the PGcircle datatype.
Additionally, I was not able to find anything in the JDBC driver
documentation regarding UUID support or in the driver API, and all that
I have been able to find on the Internet is work arounds, such as custom
methods on the DB end to convert string UUID representations into UUID
datatypes, as there is no implicit conversion by the DB.
As an increasing number of DB's support UUID's, or in the case of
Microsoft, their GUID, I thought I would pose the question. I searched
the mail archives and couldn't find anything matching, so hopefully this
is not a repeated question, as I have just arrived on this list.