Tiziano Slack wrote:
> Thanks for the precious tips, but unfortunately the syntax:
> EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO '|| TG_TABLE_NAME ||' SELECT '|| NEW.*;is parsed correctly, but when the trigger is fired the
followingerror is returned
> ERROR: column "*" not found in data type mytable
> CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT 'INSERT INTO '|| $1 ||' SELECT '|| $2 .*"
> Using
> instead, returns:
> ERROR: NEW used in query that is not in a rule
> CONTEXT: SQL statement "INSERT INTO anag_referenti SELECT NEW.*"
> Hope someone can show me another way to do that, if exists ;)
You'll have to build the INSERT in full - column by column.
Have you considered plperl / pltcl etc. - that makes it easier to do.
-- Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd