Tom Lane wrote:
> Steve Clark <> writes:
>>Tom Lane wrote:
>>>Also, whatever is the ORDER BY for?
>>without the order by it wants to do a seq scan of t_unit_event_log.
>>see below:
>> explain select count(*) from t_event_ack_log where event_log_no not
>>in (select event_log_no from t_unit_event_log);
>> Aggregate (cost=12144872193.82..12144872193.82 rows=1 width=0)
>> -> Seq Scan on t_event_ack_log (cost=0.00..12144871485.07
>>rows=283497 width=0)
>> Filter: (NOT (subplan))
>> SubPlan
>> -> Seq Scan on t_unit_event_log (cost=0.00..40286.56
>>rows=1021156 width=4)
>>(5 rows)
> Hmm, the big problem with that isn't the seqscan but the lack of a
> Materialize step to buffer it; which says to me that you're running a
> pretty old Postgres version (8.0 or older). You should think about an
> update if you're running into performance issues.
> regards, tom lane
Hi Tom,
Actually this is
show server_version;
On FreeBSD 6.2
And Daniel gave me a query that does the job in just a few seconds.