Albe Laurenz wrote:
> One possibility I see is that there is more than one table
> called "EDITORS" and they get confused.
> What do you get when you
> SELECT t.oid, n.nspname, t.relname
> FROM pg_catalog.pg_class t JOIN
> pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON t.relnamespace = n.oid
> WHERE t.relname='EDITORS';
As expected, there is only one table:
oid | nspname | relname
3045229 | public | EDITORS
(1 row)
> Can you show us the permissions for "ts_frontend.v_editors" as well
> as for any "EDITORS" table you find (e.g. using \z in psql).
Access privileges for database
Schema | Name | Type |
Access privileges
public | EDITORS | table |
(1 row)
Access privileges for database "zertifikate"
Schema | Name | Type | Access
ts_frontend | v_editors | view |
(1 row)
The user "www" is a member of the "zert_readers" group:
zertifikate=# select pg_has_role('www', 'zert_readers', 'MEMBER');
(1 row)
I have also tried to drop and recreate the view, but it didn't help.
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