Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Jan 2008 19:13:23 +0100
> Magnus Hagander <> wrote:
>> So. As long as it's maintained, I see no harm either. I also don't
>> see any gain, really. Whereas I see the risk of harm whenever it
>> falls into non-maintenance.
> Right, which means we need release management. Which we don't have. A
> release is more than just rolling tarballs.
Well, we have management for all the packages going to *our* site. We
just have to do it twice to make this work...
BTW, just for reference. In the 8.1 branch, we had 8.1.5. And 8.1.11.
And nothing in between. And look at:
and just count how many announcements aren't there.
>> What's the actual *gain* of having it there?
> Visibility. You don't actually think everyone knows what PostgreSQL is
> do you? :P
Visibility with incorrect information?
Plus, do people actually look there for it? I'd expect most people to go
to Google...
Now, if we could somehow make the site drive off the main sites
RSS feeds or something automatically, that'd be a nice thing ;-) Any way
to do that? (news + files would be the important parts)