Robert Wimmer wrote:
.hmmessage P
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} >
> Robert Wimmer wrote:
> > if there would exist a postgresql jdbc4 driver that supports the features
> > you need for the JPA extensions, i wouldnt have asked here.
> Well, what are the features that JPA needs that the current driver
> doesn't provide? Assume that we know nothing about JPA.
qoute from
"JDK 1.6 - JDBC4. Support for JDBC4 methods is limited. The driver builds, but the majority of new methods are stubbed out"
what i want to do is to use the new java annotations for "OR-Mapping". so i dont have to do all these mappings by hand and via SQL Strings. the following is an example that runs with derby on eclipse. trying similar things with the new jdbc driver didnt work.
** snippet
@Table(name = "PRODUCTLINE", schema = "CLASSICCARS", uniqueConstraints = {})
public class Productline implements {
Well, this is simply defining a table, schema, and unique constraints. The driver should have nothing to do here.
regards sepp
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