Nice refactoring!
Two small comments about CheckMyDatabase().
- Shouldn't we look at the default_locale.ctype_is_c when setting
database_ctype_is_c instead of doing a strcmp()? or maybe we should even
remove the global variable and always look at the default_locale?
- I think that the lookup of Anum_pg_database_datlocale could be done
later in the code since it is not needed when we use a libc locale. E.g.
as below.
if (dbform->datlocprovider == COLLPROVIDER_LIBC)
locale = collate;
datum = SysCacheGetAttr(DATABASEOID, tup,
Anum_pg_database_datlocale, &isnull);
if (!isnull)
locale = TextDatumGetCString(datum);
Also is there any reaosn you do not squash th 4th and the 6th patch?