> One possibility is that the user-visible specification is just a name
> (eg, "english"), but the actual filename out on the filesystem is,
> say, name.encoding.stop (eg, "english.utf8.stop") where we use PG's
> names for the encodings. We could just fail if there's not a file
> matching the database encoding, or we could try that and then try
> utf8, or some other rule. In any case I'd want it to verify and
> convert encoding as necessary while reading.
I have no strong objection for UTF8-encoded files (stop words or ispell or
synonym or thesaurus). Just recode it after reading.
But configuration for different languages might be differ, for example russian
(and any cyrillic-based) configuration is differ from west-european
configuration based on different character sets. So, we should have non-obvious
rules for stemmers to define which exact stemmer and stop-file should be used.
For russian language with utf8 encoding it should use for lword english stemmer,
but for italian language - italian stemmer. Any ASCII chars can't present in
russian word, but might italian word can contains only ASCII.
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teodor@sigaev.ru
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/