Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> Here's an updated WIP version of the LDC patch. I just spreads the
> writes, that achieves the goal of smoothing the checkpoint I/O spikes. I
> think sorting the writes etc. is interesting but falls in the category
> of further development and should be pushed to 8.4.
Why do you think so? Is it too much risk to adapt the sorted writes? The
numbers shown by ITAGAKI Takahiro looked quite impressive, at least for
large shared_buffers configurations. The reactions where rather
positive, too.
In general, I am hoping that this patch, together with "Automatic
adjustment of bgwriter_lru_maxpages" will finally make default
postgresql configurations experience much less impact from check points.
For my tast, postgresql has recently got way to many nobs which one must
tweak by hand... I welcome any approach on auto-tuning (and auto vacuum!).
Patch status says "waiting on update from author":
Any updates on this?
Best Regards
Michael Paesold