> 2007-05-09 03:07:50.083 GMT 1146975740: LOCATION: BasicOpenFile,
> fd.c:471
> 2007-05-09 03:07:50.091 GMT 0: LOG: 00000: duration: 12.362 ms
> 2007-05-09 03:07:50.091 GMT 0: LOCATION: exec_simple_query,
> postgres.c:1090
> So we decreased the max_files_per_process to 800. This took care
> of the error **BUT** about quadrupled the IO wait that is happening
> on the machine. It went from a peek of about 50% to peeks of over
> 200% (4 processor machines, 4 gigs ram, raid). The load on the
> machine remained constant.
Sounds to me like you just need to up the total amount of open files
allowed by the operating system.
Joshua D. Drake
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