Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Jim Nasby wrote:
>> If we really want to make the logfile the approved method for
>> monitoring performance, then why do we have the stats infrastructure
>> at all? It could all be replaced with logging output and pgfouine.
> First we'd have to fix the usability problem of our redirect_stderr
> stuff for pgfouine (multiline messages from different backends are
> mixed, according to Guillaume).
I'd like to sign on to the list of people saying that logging isn't the
best way to do performance measuring. Providing a way to get at the
counters in realtime for monitoring or graphing or whatever is what
AFAIK everybody else do, and it's for a good reason - it fits in to
existing monitoring/management solutions. It may be that our current
stats system isn't the best way to do this, but if it isn't that just
means we have to come up with a better way.