ITAGAKI Takahiro wrote:
> The attached patch clears up the usage of strxfrm() on Windows. If the
> server encoding is UTF-8 and the locale is not C, we should use wcsxfrm()
> instead of strxfrm() because UTF-8 locale are not supported on Windows.
> We've already have a special version of strcoll() for Windows, but the
> usage of strxfrm() was still broken.
> When we are caught up in the bug, we see the next error message.
> | ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 2147483648
> If the server is wrong configured between the server encoding and the
> locale, strxfrm() could be failed and return values like INT_MAX or
> (size_t)-1. We've passed the result+1 straight to palloc(), so the server
> tried to allocale more than 1GB of memory and gave up.
I was just about to commit this with the following two changes:
* wcsxfrm() sets errno, so you can't use GetLastError() to report problems
* The code added a check for return value >= INT_MAX on Unix as well,
but the spec for strxfrm() says that there is no specific return value
for failure.
Put those in there for reference. But I also recalled a previous
discussion, and found this:
Given this, perhaps the proper approach should instead be to just check
the return value, and go from there? Should be a simple enough patch,
something like the attached.
Tom, can you comment?
Takahiro, can you test if this patch fixes your problem?
Index: src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.233
diff -c -r1.233 selfuncs.c
*** src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c 21 Apr 2007 21:01:45 -0000 1.233
--- src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c 2 May 2007 20:38:58 -0000
*** 3152,3157 ****
--- 3152,3165 ----
xfrmlen = strxfrm(NULL, val, 0);
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ /* On win32, if strxfrm fails (for example in UTF8 encoding, since
+ * it's not properly supported), return the original string instead
+ * of trying to allocate 2Gb memory.
+ */
+ if (xfrmlen >= INT_MAX)
+ return val;
+ #endif
xfrmstr = (char *) palloc(xfrmlen + 1);
xfrmlen2 = strxfrm(xfrmstr, val, xfrmlen + 1);
Assert(xfrmlen2 <= xfrmlen);