I am trying to use cursors and I am really frustrated already. Do I
need to install an extension?
1. Problem number one is that what ever I use in front of the fetch
command it is not being accepted, it gives a syntax error. If I use a
number ,"all" or "forward" it gives an error again?????????? I want to
do something like the code below:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION database_correction()
RETURNS double precision AS
mycursor CURSOR FOR select distinct(fund_id) from
iterator integer;
open mycursor;
FETCH mycursor INTO iterator;
--fetch next from mycursor --gives an error
WHILE (FETCH next from mycursor) LOOP
-- some computations here
CLOSE mycursor;
2. What is the right way to check that the cursor has ended. In
sqlserver there is a variable "@@fetch_status". I have to make here some
comparison in the while clause, but I am not sure what it should be. I
could not find a single example for cursor in a loop.
I will greatly appreciate any help, pgsql is my database of choice.