Andrew Dunstan írta:
> Florian G. Pflug wrote:
>>>>> bison -y -d gram.y
>>>>> conflicts: 2 shift/reduce
>> I'ts been quite a time since I last used bison, but as far as I
>> remember, you can tell it to write a rather details log about
>> it's analysis of the grammar. That log should include more
>> detailed information about those conflicts - maybe that helps
>> to figure out their exact cause, and to find a workaround.
> You can almost always get rid of shift/reduce conflicts by unwinding
> some of the productions - resist the temptation to factor the grammar.
> The effect of this is to eliminate places where the parser has to
> decide between shifting and reducing. (This is why, for example,
> almost all the "drop foo if exists" variants require separate
> productions rather than using opt_if_exists.)
> cheers
> andrew
Thanks. This idea solved one of the two shift/reduce conflicts.
But the other one can only be solved if I put GENERATED
into the reserved_keyword set. But the standard spec says
it's unreserved. Now what should I do with it?
Best regards,
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Zoltán Böszörményi
Cybertec Geschwinde & Schönig GmbH