> And it's not clear _int_gist.c has been running with toasted array values for
> years because it's limited to arrays of 100 integers (or perhaps 200 integers,
> there's a factor of 2 in the test). That's not enough to trigger toasting
> unless there are other large columns in the same table.
That's was intended limitation to prevent indexing of huge arrays. gist__int_ops
compression method is orientated for small and isn't effective on big ones.
> I do know that with packed varlenas I get a crash in g_int_union among other
> places. I can't tell where the datum came from originally and how it ended up
> stored in packed format.
Can you provide your patch (in current state) and test suite? Or backtrace at least.
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teodor@sigaev.ru
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/