patrimith wrote: <blockquote cite="" type="cite"><pre wrap="">
Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists) wrote: </pre><blockquote type="cite"><pre wrap="">What is the value of
"password_encryption"in your PostgreSQL server's
postgresql.conf file?
[root@byron ~]# cat /endeavour/dbstore/postgresql.conf|grep
password_encryption = on
[root@byron ~]#
</pre></blockquote><pre wrap="">
That's the value in my PostgreSQL server's postgresql.conf.
Are you saying that pgAdmin knows the password_encryption setting for the
server? </pre></blockquote><br /> I'm not sure, but I'd hazard a guess it's the underlying libpq library that during
thehandshake works out which authentication scheme to use.<br /> How was your user created? When you add a new login
role,it stores the encrypted password in the login profile:<br /><br /> CREATE ROLE test LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD
'md505a671c66aefea124cc08b76ea6d30bb'<br/> NOINHERIT<br /> VALID UNTIL 'infinity';<br /><br /> If the value of
password_encryptionwas set to off when the user was created, I'd guess it would create it with a plain-text password
(not100% sure.)<br /><br /><blockquote cite="" type="cite"><pre wrap="">
I'd like to be able to connect using both plaintext and md5-encrypted
passwords to the same server depending on the environment in which the
client lives. </pre></blockquote><br /> Create a different line in pg_hba.conf for each host environment (network IP
range),using the relevant "password" or "md5" keyword.<br /><br /> Andy.<br />