>>> Nowadays I also wonder about the restoration times of say 200GB or even
>>> TBs of data from backups. More fun if there are Very Important and
>>> Influential People popping in every 15 minutes to ask whether it's done
>>> yet.
> That's a problem with pg. pg_dump is single-threaded and can only
> write out to one file/device.
> Now that PITR-from-WAL is in place, there are people who swear that
> tarring up data directories, and then WAL-log rolling them forward
> works perfectly. If your database uses tablespaces and is spread
Perfectly? Hardly ;) but it does indeed work.
Joshua D. Drake
> across multiple disk devices, then you could probably speed the
> backup/restore by parallel tarring each device data tree to it's own
> tape drive. 6 LTO tape drives and your TB database gets backed up
> up right quickly.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
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