Eric Rousse wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been experiencing strange crash, never really took care of it since
> it was happening only every 1-2 months or so. But lately, I've seen it a
> lot in the past week and I have no clue about it, other than the backups.
> So, here's some info about it and about my machine:
> When: it crashes at night, at around 4AM, during the backup:
> 00 3 * * * root /export/dbsystem/ va > /dev/null 2>&1
> 00 4 * * * root /export/dbsystem/ b > /dev/null 2>&1
> I move the vacuum to another time, just to make sure they are not in
> conflict, who knows!
Is there anything else running at that time? What does /etc/crontab
have? I ask because my fedora box has cron.daily scripts run at 4:02am
by default.